Saturday, May 10, 2008

types of conventions: Anime conventions

I attend conventions.

Even though I still have a narrow view on conventions compared to other con-goers, I can honestly contest that anime conventions are fascinating, amazing places. There are colors, sounds, people, and new experiences to be gained that one would not normally be able to gain anywhere else.

With the exception of two years, I have attended Anime Detour in Minnesota since it's opening. The forums, presentations, showrooms, discussions, and venues pose a new experience unlike any other. After the three times I have gone to Detour, I have determined that it is almost impossible to attend an anime convention and not meet somebody new. The enormous lines, hotel rooms packed full of convention attendees, panels discussions, and various other circumstances are opportunities to converse with people all over the state, if not the nation.

I have discussed politics while standing in the line for the costume fashion show, sat in the corner of hotel halls until four in the morning with groups of people I have never met talking about the weather and school, trading latest rumors of serializations of new comic books and shows with people dressed as samurai, fairy princesses, school-girls, and gun-toting, armor-plated warriors.

Conventions for anime, comic, science-fiction, or any other subject are seen by many people as pointless, unproductive, and overly expensive. Every time I mention to my parents that I am once again registering for Detour, I get a roll of eyes, and another half-an-hour debate about how to spend my time on more wise pursuits. However, those who go to the conventions bring memories and experiences back that are much more valuable than the price of any convention fee.

If you get the chance, go to a convention. They offer the chance to meet people, learn of news and viewpoints that may not have otherwise been easy to come by, talk about current events, trade secrets, and take the opportunity to see a completely different culture within today's society.

Meeting a person, becoming friends, and exchanging information is just as beneficial at a convention then it is at any other place. Even if that person is dressed in a six foot costume made out of a styrofoam, grocery bags, and chicken wire.

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